
Posts Tagged ‘Future Shareholders’

Arguments in favor of Intergenerational Equity as a fiduciary duty by Directors.

January 21, 2018 Leave a comment

Survival. Success. Long-term interests of shareholders (or/and stakeholders). Intergenerational equity.

When analysts consider climate change, the use and (present and future) availability of resources, the population growth, urbanization in modern and developed societies, all above-mentioned concepts naturally arise.

Arjya B. Majumdar (Associate Professor at Jindal Global Law School) reviews this topic in a recently published article, (1).

Every international meeting recognizes our obligations to preserve environment and create broader prospects for future generations. Rawls considered this a matter of justice, (2), and this helps understand a moral duty we all may feel to save (so, sacrifice) and contribute for the future of new generations, (Meyer ,(3)).

What the author tries to unveil though is whether there is a law case in favor of intergenerational equity.

Directors´duties towards future shareholders. Read more…